Midlands consortium wins £4.8m from government for 5G testbeds

A Midlands consortium has won £4.8m government grant to rollout 5G testbeds in the region.
Openreach engineer Mark Dawson working on fibre cables coming into an exchange building in May 2014. (Johnnie Packington/Wikimedia Commons)

The government announced in March 2018 that the Midlands-based Worcestershire 5G Consortium has been awarded £4.8m to develop testbeds for 5G digital infrastructure. The award is part of a £25m package to develop 5G infrastructure across the UK. Two other consortiums that are partners of the Midlands Engine received £6m.

5G promises to offer speeds of up to 10 gigabits per second and is included as a key part of the government’s new Industrial Strategy.

Of the award, Margot James, Minister for Digital and Creative Industries said,

Worcestershire, with its strong manufacturing and industrial base, has rightfully won its place as home to one of the UK’s first, innovative 5G testbeds.

She continued,

I look forward to seeing how 5G connectivity will fuel the Midlands Engine – unlocking growth, increasing productivity and bringing wider benefits for our citizens and communities.

Source: 5G project announced on first anniversary of Midlands Engine Strategy – GOV.UK